Took whack-a-mole and added Buttscrubs the hamster eraser! Art by Mathieu Ansa.

When I first tried learning to code video games many years ago, I followed an online course for making iOS apps. Eventually I tried making something simple (whack-a-mole) to test my skills. I quickly discovered I couldn't do anything on my own -- all I'd done was watch tutorials. 

So once I did a bit of Unity, I put myself back to the test and coded this. And it works! I was really proud, but didn't do anything with it for over a year. So now I've come back to it, did the bare minimum polishing, added a Goldscrubs (who appears randomly in the last 30 seconds), and made it re-playable. 

Even though this is just whack-a-mole, to me it's proof that I can create a game without following a tutorial.

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